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Pathways Program
2025 Grant Application and Guidelines
An equitable and resilient network of parks and open spaces to benefit the well-being of all New Yorkers.
Program Description
The NYC Green Fund’s Pathways grants program supports efforts to build a more equitable and vibrant park and open space system in two main ways:
Enabling sustained funding for New York City’s parks and open spaces and their non-profit partners.
Investigating changes to and implementing system-wide parks and open space related policies and programs that make operations easier and bring long-term sustainability for non-governmental partners.
Among other things, success would entail the City's adoption of systemic tools which result in more funding for and greater power-sharing with less-resourced communities, parks and partners. To achieve that, the Pathways grants can also support efforts to build a broad coalition of civic and governmental support for objectives (1) or (2) above.
Projects may be proposed by individual organizations or entities working collaboratively (one lead applicant must be identified for grant and fiscal management purposes), may involve multi-year efforts, and may work with the NYC Green Fund throughout the grant cycle to make adjustments that support reaching the project’s target goal. Organizations need not be exclusively focused on parks or open spaces, but Pathways grant funds must support the parks and open space-related goals above.
For organizations focused instead on activating and caring for publicly owned parks and open spaces, please review our Grants webpage to see upcoming funding opportunities.
Key Dates
This is a two-part application process:
A Letter of Inquiry (LOI) will be due by 12pm noon on Thursday, March 27, 2025, via City Parks Foundation’s Grant and Funding Opportunity Portal.
For those invited to submit, a full proposal will be due by 12pm noon on Wednesday May 7, 2025.
On March 6, City Parks Foundation will host a webinar to provide prospective applicants with an overview of the program’s priorities, guidelines, and application process.
Please see the details and register for our webinar on Thursday, March 6 at 4p EST here.
Resources and Projects
The NYC Green Fund has supported projects that help identify potential opportunities for systemic changes and build a case for support. We encourage applicants to read through the following resources and discuss ideas with others in the field. Note that these are meant as ideas only and projects are not required to relate to these resources
The Urban Design Forum's Practice Notes: On Achieving Equitable Public Spaces (December 2024).
The Center for an Urban Future’s“Paying for the Growing Needs of NYC’s Parks” (January 2024) and “Enacting a Ticket Surcharge to Strengthen New York City’s Parks” (January 2025)s.
The Trust for Public Land's“Economic Benefits of Parks in New York City” (March 2022).
Examples of eligible activities include, but are not limited to, work to advance programmatic priorities by:
Identifying, developing, and piloting legal, contractual, and policy mechanisms that facilitate increased funding for parks and open spaces or improve challenging processes and practices that ease interactions between government and nonprofit partners.
Encouraging and deepening relationships with a multi-tiered, citywide constituency of park supporters and/or public space allies.
Developing and disseminating research, messaging, or communications strategies that resonate with the broader public.
Organizations, coalitions, or collaborations of organizations are eligible to apply. The lead applicant must have a demonstrated history of advancing parks and open spaces in New York City, and of managing funds from foundations and/or government sources. Applicants must follow both funder and nonprofit lobbying restrictions. Joint applicants must clearly outline project contributions for each involved organization. Government agencies are not eligible to apply as a lead applicant, but may be a project partner.
If you currently have an active grant from City Parks Foundation, please contact nycgreenfund@cityparksfoundation.org to determine your eligibility to apply for a Pathways grant. Past NYC Green Fund grant recipients must submit all due reports before requesting additional funding. Past grantees must be up to date with all reports to be considered.
The NYC Green Fund will award up to 8 grants between $25,000 to $100,000 per year, for up to two years, pending funding availability.
Solo applicants may request no more than 25% of their annual operating budget and joint applicants may request no more than 25% of their combined operating budgets (based on most recently completed fiscal year).
The NYC Green Fund Pathways grant program focuses on supporting activities that would not be possible without additional funding. The average grant size in 2024 was $50,000, and the largest grant awarded was $60,000.
Scoring Criteria and Priorities
Applications are scored by and grant decisions are made by a panel of experts in the field and funders of the NYC Green Fund. Applications will be scored based on the following:
Strategic alignment: the activities outlined in the proposal align with or support achieving one or both of the long-term goals of the Pathways program.
Communities Served: how well the project helps address systemic inequities in the public realm.
Priority is given to projects that focus on properties identified as NYC Parks and organizations led by individuals who identify as Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (e.g., BIPOC Executive Director, or 51% BIPOC Board, or 51% senior staff).
Feasibility: the intended outcomes of the proposal are feasible considering the applicant’s resources, relationships, and experience. For joint applicants, the proposal demonstrates meaningful collaboration between all parties involved, with clearly outlined roles.
Budget: The proposal demonstrates a clear and pressing funding need and focuses on activities that would not be possible without this grant.
Eligible expenses include:
Staffing costs, including fringe benefits (full-time/part-time/ seasonal/ internships/ apprenticeships/ etc.)
Consultants, contractors, or professional fees
Equipment and supplies
Marketing and outreach costs
Event costs related to coalition and constituency building
Ineligible expenses include:
Maintenance work
Public programming unrelated to policy change and/or project piloting
Grant recipients will be required to submit interim and final narrative and financial reports and may be asked for periodic project updates to share with funders of the NYC Green Fund and/or with the NYC Parks and Open Space Partners coalition. Final reports must describe the work results, final budget, and deliverables and include photos of the project (if relevant).
Grants Management
Grants will be made by City Parks Foundation and all reporting information will be submitted to City Parks Foundation, which administers the NYC Green Fund on behalf of funders.
For more information
For more information, visit CityParksFoundation.org or email NYCGreenFund@cityparksfoundation.org